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Beatrix Kiddo Experiment

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Beatrix Kiddo Experiment
Beatrix Kiddo Experiment with support from Smouldering Manhattan. Beatrix Kiddo Experiment are a London-based four-piece designed to explore the nuances of noisy music, wandering from laid-back funk beats and huge melodic hooks to grating metal riffs and wailing saxophone improvisation via subtle time signature changes, psychedelic textures and extended jam sections, often within the same track. Their live shows are notoriously energetic, with relentless, chaotic drumming and manic saxophone screeching colliding with walls of distorted bass guitar noise and jagged guitar explorations. Smouldering Manhattan are a post-punk and lo-fi rock outfit band based in North London. Influenced by ambient music, cloud rap and shoegaze, they like to bring a pop-sensibility to more abrasive sonic textures. They make pop music for unpopular people. 7pm.